
 The Bonvivante

Bonvivant is a French word made up of bon, ‘good‘, and vivre, ‘to live’. In French, a bonvivant literally translates to ‘one fond of good living, one who lives well‘.

Baltic Amazon by birth, I moved to Paris seven years ago to pursue a career as an international lawyer, after finishing my studies at home, in Holland and the US. Along the way, I have met wonderful people, traveled to beautiful places and had many, many, many cocktails.

In February 2018, at the ripe old age of 31, I was diagnosed with aggressive inflammatory breast cancer. I won’t lie, it sucked massively, but I took a conscious decision not to lose my joie de vivre and carry on living well and enjoying myself. I have been sharing my journey on Instagram, and nothing makes me happier than to receive messages from other women waging battle against this annoying little fucker. I hope to share more of my experience here.

THE BONVIVANTE is about taking care of yourself and enjoying life, whatever challenges you may be facing.(*)

Come back often for travel tips, reviews and oh-so intelligent ruminations on life.


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(*) It’s also about cancer, but don’t worry, I am a glass half-full kind of cancer gal!

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